Our little guy will be her in just two days, I cannot even believe it. We thought all along he was coming early but he's hung out until my scheduled c-section on Thursday. I'm doing good, just uncomfortable. We've tried to take advantage of the nice weather by going to Como Zoo, the beach and playing at the beach as much as possible. I don't last as long as I have in the past, but soon we'll have a new little guy joining us and I know I will be just fine and ready to have fun! We thought we had a name; Logan, but have decided against it. Though we have not decided or agreed on a name either, so we will just wait and see when he is here. I have my favorite name, which is not Logan and I think Brian has a name he really likes, so we'll see what fits him best! Zane has been very openly excited lately, it's so adorable. He picked out a present for his baby brother and has been helping with the finishing touches.
He's been such a silly boy, as usual. Some of his favorite things lately are baseball, soccer, hockey, fishing and pretending to be an Avenger. He has a hulk mask and gloves and Captain America mask and shield. Brian has also taken Zane fishing a few times and he really loves it. He hasn't caught any on his pole yet, however he's reeled quite a few in and loves throwing them back in the water.
Zane had his 3 year check up a few weeks ago and the doctor was pleased with him. He is still a little peanut- 5 percentile for most everything except height, I think she said 20th. She was happy with his cognitive development and of course he had to be silly. She asked him his shapes and she drew a rectangle and he said hockey puck and started laughing. He often asks me to draw hockey goalies with their stick and puck.
I'll post pictures as soon as I can of our new little guy!